At the Vermont Studio Center retreats, art, eventsMonica OngJune 20, 2014Vermont Studio Centerresidency, vermont studio centerComment
Joy Harjo selects Monica Ong as the Winner of the 2014 Kore Press First Book Prize honors, poetry, publicationsMonica OngApril 17, 2014kore press, book award, silent anatomies, prize Comment
Seneca Review features new works in Beyond Category Issue poetry, publicationsMonica OngFebruary 24, 2014seneca reviewComment
Spring Exhibition: The Fearsome BMI @ Rutgers University events, artMonica OngFebruary 23, 2014exhibitionsComment
Kenyon Review Writer's Workshop: Literary Hybrid and Book Arts retreats, poetryMonica OngJune 25, 2013kenyon review, poetryComment
"Catching a Wave" in Loaded Bicycle, Issue 2.1 art, poetry, publicationsMonica OngFebruary 22, 2013loaded bicycle, ultrasound
March 23 Reading at the Brooklyn Museum events, poetryMonica OngFebruary 8, 2013panels, readings, poetryComment
First Person Plural Reading on January 28 eventsMonica OngJanuary 19, 2013art, poetry, readingsComment