Hybrid Lit List: Journals for unconventional writing

For those of you who don’t write in conventional ways it can be daunting seeking literary journals for writing that doesn’t fit neatly into traditional genres. As part of a panel on publishing across genres and form for the CT Lit Talk, I compiled my Hybrid Lit List into a takeaway to kick off your publishing journey. I post it here as an offering with warm wishes for your creative growth.

These literary magazines are especially interested in experimental writing that touches upon some of the following practices: hybrid, visual poetry, poetry objects, sound art, video, design, cinepoetry, text+image, graphic narrative, comics, cross-genre, audio, collage, fragments, ephemera, maps, hypertext, interactive, video games, dance, multimedia writing.

Disclaimer: As with anything online, please make sure to do your research on the journal before submitting. Not all publications listed here have been personally vetted.


*=prize (so go on and get that cash!)

1001 Journal » image+text, comics

3AM Magazine — Poem Brut series » visual poetry, sound

The Adroit Journal » hybrid

Afternoon Visitor » visual poetry, hybrid

A Glimpse) Of) » sound, hybrid

A Velvet Giant » hybrid, cross-genre, experimental

Always Crashing » collage, audio, hybrid

Angime » hybrid

apo-press » performance, hybrid, ritual

Arcturus » hybrid

Autofocus » hybrid

bæst: a journal of queer forms & affects » hybrid, experimental

*Bat City Review — Editors’ Prize Contest » hybrid, visual poetry

beestung » hybrid, experimental

Bennington Review » hybrid, cross-genre

Big Other » hybrid, cross-genre

Birdfeast » hybrid

Black Sun Lit — digital vestiges  » hybrid, fragments, ephemera

Bomb Cyclone » multimedia, audio, sound

Booth » comics

*Breakwater Review — The Peseroff Prize Poetry Contest » experimental, hybrid

Cartridge Lit  » video game-inspired lit

Clade Song » audio, video

Coast|noCoast » hybrid

The Concrete Desert Review » audio

Container Magazine » poetry objects

The Continental Review » video poetry

Contra Viento » hybrid

Cream City Review » hybrid

ctrl+v » visual poetry, collage, digital, sound, video, and more

Dead Alive Magazine » cross-genre, experimental, multimedia

Death Rattle/Oroboro Lit Journal » comics

DIAGRAM » new media

Doubleback Review » hybrid

Entropy Magazine » digital, interactive, hybrid, comics

Fairy Tale Review » graphic novels, comics

Fecund » hybrid, digital media

Foglifter » hybrid work by queer and trans writers

Fonograf Editions » cross-genre, audio

Fourteen Hills » hybrid

Ghost Proposal » cross-genre, post-genre

Gigantic Sequins » comics

Glint » hybrid, multimedia, visual poetry

Golden Walkman » audio

The Gravity of the Thing » multimedia, cross-genre, hybrid, experimental

Great River Review » visual poetry

Half Mystic » hybrid

Harpy Hybrid Review » hybrid, video, collaborations, comics

Heavy Feather Review » comics, hybrid

Honey Literary » hybrid, comics

Hothouse Literary Journal » hybrid, visual poetry

The Hunger » hybrid

The Ilanot Review — Ephemera(l) » hybrid

Indianapolis Review » visual poetry

It’s Real Magazine » hybrid

Kissing Dynamite » visual poetry

Kithe » graphic narrative, hybrid

Kweli Journal » multimedia

Lammergeier » hybrid

Masque & Spectacle » hybrid, video, sound art

The Massachusetts Review » hybrid

Meshes Journal » poetry+dance, moving image, performance

Metatron – #MicroMeta » video poetry

Mizna » hybrid, comics

Moon City Review » graphic narrative

MoonPark Review » hybrid

New Delta Review » digital media, hybrid

New Session » hybrid

Night Music Journal » hybrid

No Contact » hybrid

The Operating System » hybrid

Oxbow Magazine » hybrid

Oyez Review » hybrid

Passages North  » hybrid

*Permafrost Magazine — New Alchemy Contest » hybrid

Petrichor Magazine » visual poetry, cinepoetry

Pine Hills Review » hybrid

Pollux Journal » hybrid, multilingual

Poem Atlas » visual poetry, poetry objects

Poetry Online » visual poetry, cinepoetry

Posit » video, animation

Puerto del Sol – Black Voices Series » multimedia

Queer Southeast Asia » hybrid

Quarterly West » hybrid, new media

Reality Beach » video

*Redivider — Blurred Genre Contest » hybrid, graphic narrative, visual poetry

Rivulet » collage, maps, hybrid, experimental, sound, film

SAND Literature and Art » hybrid

Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly » hybrid

Sleepingfish » hybrid, video, multimedia

Slouching Beast Journal » hybrid

Solstice » graphic narrative

SPORAZINE » experimental, visual poetry by trans writers

Stay Journal » hybrid

*Stillhouse Press — Experimental Writing Contest  » hybrid, experimental

Streetcake Magazine » visual poetry, experimental

Surfaces » collage

swifts & slows » text/visual collaborations

Tab Journal » text+image, hybrid, design

The Talking Book » audio, comics

Territory — Cursed » hybrid, maps

Tether's End » visual poetry, poetry objects

The Texas Review » comics, cross-genre

Theta Wave » comics, hybrid, sound, multimedia

Thin Air Magazine » hybrid

Threadcount Magazine » hybrid

TIMBER » hybrid, visual poetry

TriQuarterly » video essays, cinepoetry

Variety Pack » hybrid

Voicemail Poems » audio poetry

Western Humanities Review » hybrid

Whiskey Tit » hybrid

The Woven Tale Press » video, sound

Zenith Literary Magazine » hybrid

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